
The ISBA is composed of member dojos. Recognized dojos must be legal entities within their country. A dojo can choose 1 delegate to the General Assembly of Representatives (GA). The fee per recognized dojo is currently 100 € (period: from 01 July current year till 30 June next year).

Fees should be paid at the beginning of the ISBA fiscal period, during first 2 months (July, August). Fee should be paid by bank transfer or in cash during ISBAS. Any bank transfer costs should be paid by the member, not ISBA.

The current account details:
Holder: Erik Hartmann ISBA
IBAN: DE81 6725 0020 1003 8418 51

General Assembly of Representatives (GA)

Meetings will be held annually (normally during international summer seminars). The General Assembly of Representatives elects the Board (including Chairman) at appropriate times, debates and decides policy documents. Quorum for the assembly is 50% or more of the representatives entitled to vote (in person or by proxy).

An extraordinary meeting of GA may be called by the Board or at the request of 2/3 or more of the Representatives. The extraordinary meetings can be held virtually (electronically) if 1/3 of the Representatives agrees.

Chairman and the Board

The Chairman and the rest of the Board represent the Association and have responsibility for the ISBA. They can sign documents when exchanging information with government and other bodies, and present the official Association position on various issues when necessary. They manage communications both with and between member countries and ISBA recognized dojos. They plan and manage meetings, formal regular meetings of the GA, seminars and other ISBA events.

The Board will contain a secretary and treasurer and up to four Board Members. The Board must have a minimum of three members to execute its duties (including the Chairman). All board members are elected for periods of 4 years.

The Chairman, who accomplished his terms, receives the title of Honorary Chairman. Currently we have three Honorary Chairmen:
1. Jerzy Pomianowski (First or Founding Chairman 2009-2013)
2. Robert Cowham (Second Chairman 2013-2017)
3. Adam Radecki (Third Chairman 2017-2021).

Board Members

  • Chairman – Erik Hartmann
  • Secretary – Alice Feneyrols
  • Treasurer – Neil Urquhart 
  • Board Member – Diane Zingale, Camilla Moebes


ISBA Board and Community is supported by experience and advice from
General Advisors, Board Consultants and Cultural Advisor.

Current General Advisors are:

  • Shiseikan:
  • Consultants to the ISBA Board:
    • Prof. Herbert Popp
    • Mr. Jerzy Pomianowski
    • Dr. Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska
    • Mr. Bjørn Eirik Olsen
  • Dr. Annika Hansen is a Cultural Advisor to the Board and ISBA.


Mr. Daniil Pavliuchkov is a Liaison Consultant with CSBD
(Community of Shiseikan Budo Dojos in Russia).

Mr. Vladimir Podorolskii is an Honorary Liaison Consultant with CSBD.

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