
The following 40 dojos are current members of ISBA together with their main representatives. Most dojos have links to their web sites for further information.

Germany (13)

United Kingdom (5)
Greece (1)
Norway (2)
Poland (5)
France (7)
Russia (0)
Switzerland (3)
Czech Republic (1)
United States of America (1)
Belgium (1)
Netherlands (1)

Ronin members

The fundamental ISBA membership is for dojo.  However there are people with long enough direct relationship to Shiseikan but without a dojo, or practising in the dojo, which has another distinctive affiliation, or they are the only persons – so far – commited to Shiseikan Budo at their dojo.  So, based on such exception to the rule, the following individuals have been currently accepted as Ronin members:

  • Yon (Beersheva)
  • Filip (Tromso)
  • Myriam (London)
  • Lili (Australia)
  • Hans-Jörg (Hamburg)
  • Mirko (Leipzig)

And as Honorary Ronin: Nicolas Schnur from Berlin

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